[365-184] 頭腦體操 - Cheryl's Birthday & Einstein's riddle

最近在辦公室,大家特別關心一位叫做Cheryl的同事,每個人見到她,不是說『Cheryl 我知道你的生日是哪一天了!』,就是說『Cheryl 你的生日到底是哪一天?』

為什麼大家這麼關心Cheryl的生日呢???因為最近新加坡的網民們,都在忙著解答這個據說是小學生的數學測驗題:Cheryl's birthday





The situation

  1. There are 5 houses in five different colors.
  2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
  3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
  4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.
The question is: Who owns the fish?


  • the Brit lives in the red house
  • the Swede keeps dogs as pets
  • the Dane drinks tea
  • the green house is on the left of the white house
  • the green house's owner drinks coffee
  • the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
  • the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
  • the man living in the center house drinks milk
  • the Norwegian lives in the first house
  • the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
  • the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
  • the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer
  • the German smokes Prince
  • the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
  • the man who smokes blend has a neighbor who drinks water
Einstein wrote this riddle this century. He said that 98% of the world could not solve it. 


一看到最後那句Einstein said that 98% of the world could not solve it,我整個人的戰意簡直就像是火焰一般熊熊的燃燒起來了!馬上拿出紙跟筆,結果也順利解答了!哈哈哈哈哈!真的好好玩喔~而且試著解題的時候,大腦很興奮地轉著的感覺真好!決定每天都要來做一題讓大腦運動一下,希望可以變聰明,或是很快可以轉行做偵探。(順便喊話一下好了:FBI如果你們對我有興趣的話,請不要客氣趕快來跟我聯絡喔!)




[365-69] 忍字頭上一把刀

[365-77] 新加坡人這樣說 Part 8

新加坡人這樣說 之二